Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Need invites?

I've got several invites left for a bunch of betas of different things around the web - so send me a note with your email address if you're looking to try any of these out. If you don't know how to reach me by email, facebook, twitter or look here for some service you do use and send me a direct message through that :)

* Post to multiple networks at once. Multicasting for the microblogging age.
* Brightkite. A location-aware social network.
* Socialthing. Yet another friend activity aggregator. I prefer it to FriendFeed, but then again I prefer RSS and GReader and/or imfeeds and GTalk or Digsby. But that's a whole other topic :)
* Grooveshark. Music store and social network with a cash-back incentive. Also, a kick-ass free music player can be found here.
* Orgoo. Webmail and Web-IM manager.

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