Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Blogger and Google+

With Google+ being forced onto so many Google properties these days, I was wondering whether there's a decent way to "reverse-integrate" Google+ and Blogger - that is, to have posts that originate on G+ to then be added as posts on a Blogger blog.

I know if a post starts here on Blogger I can easily share it to G+, but it's just so much easier to get things onto Google+ these days.

If I find a decent way, I'll be sure to post a follow up... but only time will tell.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Oh my

Time really does fly doesn't it? Has it really been this long since I've posted? 

And should I really even entertain the thought of trying this blogging thing yet again? 

Let me think this over.

See you in a few months :)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Time flies

Time flies when you're busy working and living :)

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Cleanup: Part 1

For some reason, I've got the urge to clean my digital house. I'm guessing it is just the lead up to the new year, and wanting to be greener committing to using less of everything in 2010.

I'm contemplating giving up Facebook (or at least not posting status updates / links anymore... might be hard to get away from commenting...) but whether I go whole-hog or not, I've decided to clean out the apps. I don't think I've gone overboard, but holy moly is there a load of crap.

Let's just start with the "Allowed to post" category:
  • Brightkite. I loved the Brightkite site itself, loved the idea... and never ended up using it. Adios Brightkite Facebook App.
  • Netvibes. An experiment one day, I guess? Gone.
  • Twitterfeed. Ok, this one's a keeper. Haven't decided how / if I'm going to keep feeding outside stuff into Facebook, but if I do, Twitterfeed's the way to go, IMHO. Twitterfeed stays.
  • Facebook Developer: Ha! Like I have the time. Besides, I'd rather tinker around with Azure or App engine. Gone!
  • Friendfeed. An experiment one day, I guess? Gone.
  • IQ Test: It was 145. I don't need to keep an app with permissions to remember that. Adios.
  • Kongregate Games. This is a tough one. I love Kongregate. Its a regular stop for me at the end of a long day to blow off a little steam, and I'd keep it just to show my support. By really, I don't need it. Sorry, Kong, goota hit that "Remove Application" button.
  • An AWESOME service. But as I said earlier, I'm committing to cutting back, so instead of using to broadcast to lots of places I hardly ever visit, I'm just going to use those three sites myself. Fare thee well,
  • Raptr Live Updates. I kinda like Raptr, but it's the kind of thing that I'm sure would annoy the heck out of my Facebook crowd if were actually turned on. And if it isn't turned on, why leave it around with access? Ciao.
  • The Prototype Experience. Promo thing for a game, I think it was. Wait it's allowed to post for me? Buh-bye.
  • Wakoopa Tracker. Yet another service that I really like, but that doesn't fit the Facebook vibe. <3 the stats, Wakoopa, but the app's gotta go.
  • What is your Computer Literacy IQ? OMG really? Must have been the middle of the night when I did that one. Gone.
And after all that cleanup? What's left in the "Granted Additional Permissions" category of apps?
  • Facebook's default apps - Notes, Photos, Videos. etc. Ok, fine, they'll stay.
  • Twitter. Well, it's Twitter. On Facebook. No need for those two streams to cross. Twitter app is history. 
  • Zemanta. I'll leave it for now. Don't think I'll ever be using it from Facebook, but it can live for a bit.
Aaah, much better.

Next stop - Twitter's OAuth list.... another night...
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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Moving the furniture

A few changes - The MyBlogLog widget is out; instead I'm taking Google Friend Connect for a try. The Profilactic widget is out... I never visit half those places anyway. I'm turning off the once-a-day Twitter posts. Switching out the default Blogger comments system for Disqus.

I highly doubt this will affect how often I post, but what the heck, gotta try out some new things every now and then, right?



  • 17:23 RT @elijahmanor: Sign me up for the #devexpress CodeRush with Refactor Pro #giveaway #
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Saturday, November 07, 2009


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